Monday, May 07, 2007

A Mush Mush Entry

There are so many things I love about this guy.

5. Um, hello, can we SAY Welsh accent? So hot!

4. His eyes are Clark Kent blue.

3. He has the greatest smile.

2. He has a wonderful sense of integrity.

1. He's the most honest person I have ever known, but he is not offensively honest. He expresses his opinion and examines his feelings truthfully, but he has a wonderful knack for being polite at the same time. He is uncompromisingly and kindly Ashley at all times.

(If he is reading this right now, he's thinking "Ok, what's wrong with you?" the way he does any time I get super mushy)

But the thing I have discovered about love recently is this. I can list off dozens of things I love about him; I can name things he does or has done, characteristics he has, the way he does things, and the way he looks, but I can't tell you why I love him. I think that's part of the magic of love. Maybe that's where the phrase "you can't choose who you love" comes in.

I am only glad that I didn't choose to love someone so wonderful.

***Bonus reason***
I always feel like he loves me.

1 comment:

Debbi said...

Oh.....he is soooo cute. When is he moving here?