Sunday, March 25, 2007

A Promised Adventure

I ran into a trio of people a few days ago that lit an inspired fire within me.

Three people walked into a winery I was visiting: two guys and a girl. I could tell the guys were British the second they walked in the door. They had tousled, just slightly tousled hair, and were wearing polished looking sweaters. The kicker? One guy was wearing a scarf in typical British/European fashion: folded in half, then looped through it's self around the neck. The two guys spoke, and their posh English accents confirmed it.

I asked where they were from. They told me, but I was too excited to even really hear what they said. I found out that one of the guys was living in Seattle (the girl lived there too). I told them I spent a year in Swansea and they were actually excited about it. One guy laughed and said "how'd you end up there?" I also told them I was from Seattle, and I felt like we were all excited about our location connections. It was so fun to have them respond so enthusiastically; usually the British rest on their reserve sides when I talk about Swansea, but these guys were excited with me.

And we all liked the same wines we were tasting too. I joked that we could all share a bottle of wine together. I was kind of serious, though. I wanted to follow them home!

I’ve been looking for some sort of direction in my life lately. I’ve been waiting for something exciting and important to come my way. After my favorite little trio left, I realized what I want to do. I want to go back to the U.K.

I’ve been thinking about going back to the U.K. for awhile, but the moment I had a few days ago made the plan feel right in my soul. I’m implementing a savings plan and I am going to the U.K. for a month in the summer of ’08. From there, I will decide whether I want to move there, or whether I want to seek out a different adventure. It will be so good to see all my friends again, it will be lovely to see my honorary home land in the summer, and it also leaves possibilities for Ashley and my relationship.

More importantly, it's a plan. And it promises adventure.

photo taken at the Gower in Wales, June 2004

1 comment:

{Me} said...

The Uk wants you back over here too, as it misses its favourite Lagod so so much! Reserved us!? lol! xxx