Saturday, February 03, 2007

My Vices: From most sophisticated to least

Vice #1: Wine
Red, White, Bubbles, Pinot Noir, Sauvignon Blanc, Reisling, Viogner, I love them all! My goal as a wine lover is to be able to appreciate all varitals. Varital snobs suck!

Vice #2: Chocolate
Cadbury's chocolate is the best in the world. Much thanks to Ashley's parents and Clem for keeping me stocked!

Vice #3: Reality T.V.
I never used to watch reality T.V. In fact, I used to scoff people who did. But in the last year, the number of reality T.V. shows I watch has gone from zero to three! America's Next Top Model, The Girls Next Door, and Little People Big World: yep, I watch 'em.

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