Friday, September 01, 2006

Letter From The Editor/Writer/Photographer/Coffee Gopher/Founder

Hello to all, and welcome to JaimeLand. Grab a cup of coffee, and let's have a chat. Do you want to talk about photography or fashion? How about Harry Potter or Graphic Novels? Wine, Jane Magazine, Indie Rock, or your grand purpose in life? How about the purpose of marriage and weddings, and whether or not soulmates exist? Do you need help planning a trip to San Francisco or the U.K.? I'm all over it. Or tell me a story about your family heritage. I'd love to know how your great grandparents met, because you'll definietly be hearing about my family stories. This blog is all about these kind of subjects and more. It's a place for me to express random opinions (like how Christina Aguilera is going to be the next Madonna, forget Britney), share little tokens of love (have you tried the special iced coffee at Northlight?), tell stories (want to know what poem makes Percy Shelley run from the room, screaming in terror?), and post pictures that I don't feel belong on my other site Photos By Jaime. This blog is all about me. And you. So, welcome all to JaimeLand. Enjoy your stay.

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